Usage * Default for a three column table : CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE pivot_table USING perl ("SQLite::VirtualTable::Pivot","base_table"); * Specify the pivot columns: CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE pivot_table USING perl ("SQLite::VirtualTable::Pivot","base_table", "pivot_row", "pivot_column", "pivot_value"); CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE pivot_table USING perl ("SQLite::VirtualTable::Pivot","base_table", "entity", "attribute", "value"); * Can also transparently handle foreign keys in the base table: * <base table column>-><child table>.(<child table id>).<child table column> CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE pivot_table USING perl ("SQLite::VirtualTable::Pivot","base_table", "entity_id->entity_lookup(id).entity", "attribute_id->attribute_lookup(id).attribute", "value_id->value_lookup(id).value" );