* Sample EAV data

 file   attribute             value
 ------ --------------------- -----
  1     Orbit                 19992
  1     Cloud_Cover           0
  1     Sun_Elevation         48.8
  1     Coherent_Noise        "N"
  2     Sun_Elevation         48.9
  2     Map_Projection        "UTM"
  2     Scan_Correlated_Shift "N"

* Selecting files requires queries based on the metadata.

 file   Orbit Sun_Elevation Cloud_Cover Coherent_Noise Map_Projection Scan_Correlated_Shift
 ------ ----- ------------- ----------- -------------- -------------- ---------------------
 1      19992 48.8          0           "N"
 2            48.9                      "N"            UTM            "N"

* List of attributes must be flexible
* Complex relationships between attributes.
* Relationships between attributes must be flexible.
* Querying based on pivoted columns must be possible.
* Note: there is redundancy in the unpivoted table.